Mucha Lucha! is an animated television series. It premiered on Kids' WB on August 17, 2002. It was created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It is one of the first animated television series created with Adobe Flash, a program often used for Internet cartoons. The show was also seen on Teletoon in Canada , CITV and Kix! in the UK, and Cartoon Network worldwide (including the US).
Mucha Lucha! is an animated television series. It premiered on Kids' WB on August 17, 2002. It was created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It is one of the first animated television series created with Adobe Flash, a program often used for Internet cartoons. The show was also seen on Teletoon in Canada , CITV and Kix! in the UK, and Cartoon Network worldwide (including the US).